We had a quick breakfast and after paying our berthing fees of £12 (extortionate for a 4.5m dinghy!) and rowed out the harbour at 1030. It was another stunning day but alas there was no wind so we persevered with the rowing until we got to Ardmaleish buoy and a light Easterly filled. We ran up the East Kyle but by the time we got to the Burnt Isles the wind had disappeared again and we started rowing till at the top of Bute a F4 west wind filled in and we started beating. It was hard going and as entered the West Kyle the wind backed to the South West/ It took us 3 hours from Kames to Ardlamont (6.5nm) and as we rounded the buoy expecting a fair wind the wind it headed us once more and we had a long tack past Skate Island and into Loch Fyne. The wind veered further and increased to the top end of a F4 but it was exhilarating  (and wet) sailing with us both out on the gunwhale. Then suddenly one of the stern laminated knees parted and we lost control of the mainsail. We quickly jury rigged a lashing to the stern thwart to take the mainsheet and beat into Portavadie Marina at 2045. By the time we got our dry suits off in the restaurant it was 2110 and the kitchen had just closed! Drat! Then the beer keg went off! However the staff were brilliant and organised a smoked salmon salad which was excellent as we were famished. We were too tired to camp and  I phoned Mike Smith in Tighnabruach who very kindly offered us a bed for the night and picked us up after the meal. Sailed 25nm and rowed 4nm. Sorry the photos blurred - it was taken the next morning and there was ice on the lens!